It was a heartening scene to see the group of OCTAVIANS addressing about 500+ CAT aspirants at Mor Bhavan, Nagpur on 10th Oct 2010. The event was a seminar organized by Career Launcher, Nagpur in which OCTAVIANS kicked off the show by addressing the enthusiast crowd.
The conviction and enthusiasm of OCTAVIANS remained unmatched with the crowd applauding the OCTAVIANS and listening with keen intent on the milestones achieved by OCTAVIANS.
The PGP students of OCTAVE: Chandani Loiya, Prutha Deshpande, Samyak Jain and Gaurav Kakran spoke on the attributes which would eventually help them realize their dreams, riding on the OCTAVE phenomena. The most important attributes that has and would help them were: The unmatched Founder-Director team, Faculty team, Industry connections, Interaction with Industry experts, formation of various committees to accelerate their entry into real corporate world.
The final punch to the conviction was delivered by Abhijeet Gan, Director-Admissions, OCTAVE B-School, Nagpur.